Traffic Law
In contrast, absolute speed limits are fixed. If you drive faster than the allotted speed limit, you have violated the law. Details include:
- 35 miles per hour inside municipal corporate limits
- 55 miles per hour outside municipal corporate limits for all vehicles except school buses
- 70 miles per hour on interstate highways
Running a Stop Sign or Red Light
Fines and court costs associated with running a stop sign or a red light can cost up to $225.00. A conviction is considered a moving violation and will apply 3 points to your license.
Passing an Emergency Vehicle
Unlawful passing of an emergency vehicle can be a Class 1 or Class 2 misdemeanor, depending on whether the driver causes property damage in excess of $500. It can become a felony if the driver causes bodily injury to an officer or emergency personnel.
Move Over Law
Violating the “move over law” is punishable by a $250 fine plus court costs. Violating the “move over law” and damaging property or causing injury doubles the fine to $500 and is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Violating the “move over law” and causing serious injury or death is a Class 1 felony. You can also have your license suspended for up to six months.
Speeding in a School Zone
Being convicted of speeding in a school zone comes with a range of consequences. Three points will be applied to your driver’s license, as well as to your insurance points, increasing your premiums. There is also a $250 penalty.
Driving While Impaired (DWI)
Common DWI penalties include:
- Fines and surcharges
- License suspension or revocation
- Community service
- Imprisonment (even for a 1st offense)
- DWI education and intervention programs
- Higher insurance rates, depending on your provider
Careless and Reckless Driving
A standard first offense is a class 2 misdemeanor and carries up to 60 days in jail and a maximum of $1,000 in fines. All reckless driving violations will add four points to the motorist’s driving record, and will likely increase their insurance rates.

If you are in need of representation, you want a knowledgeable lawyer on your side. To learn more about how Capital to Coast NC Law Group can defend you in traffic or misdemeanor criminal matters, contact our firm today.