If you are considering adoption or have questions regarding your rights throughout the adoption process in North Carolina, you want to make sure you are working with an experienced and knowledgeable law firm. From the initial filing of paperwork to the day you bring home the newest addition to your family, you can count on the lawyers at Capital to Coast NC Law Group to be by your side every step of the way. Each and every adoption scenario is different and we will help you to explore the possibilities whether they are independent adoptions, agency adoptions, interstate adoptions, international adoptions or surrogacy situations.
Relative Adoption
When a child’s birth parents are unable to care for the child, extended family members may turn to relative adoption. Because there is a relation between the prospective parents and the child, the laws regarding relative adoption are less strict than they are for unrelated parents. A home study may be required in addition to background screening. Our attorneys will assist you throughout these processes.
Private Adoption
A private adoption refers to an adoption in which the prospective parents adopt a child they already know or they adopt through an individual birth mother. In this process, the adoptive parents must acquire consent from the biological parents and follow various court procedures. It is helpful to recruit the assistance of an adoption attorney for these matters.
Agency Adoption
If you have found yourself with an unwanted pregnancy, the lawyers at Capital to Coast NC Law Group can help you. Agency adoption is a way to provide your child with love, stability, and support. We are fully prepared to help you with all of the ins and outs of agency adoption.
Open Adoption
During this type of adoption, there is some kind of contact between the birth mother and the family with whom the child is placed. Unfortunately, in North Carolina, open adoption agreements are not legally enforceable. However, a post adoption contact agreement is good to help make sure the biological parent and the adoptive family are held accountable for their continuing contact.
Closed Adoption
In a closed adoption, there is no contact between the biological parents and the adoptive family before, during, or after the adoption process. These adoptions allow the most privacy for a prospective birth mother and are favorable for those looking for a sense of closure.
Stepparent Adoption
When pursuing a stepparent adoption, it is important to note the life-altering changes that will be undergone. When legally adopting a stepchild, you will gain all of the legal rights and responsibilities as their natural or biological parent. You will be making all of the legal decisions and choices, even if you divorce their parent in the future.
Same-Sex Adoption
Same-sex couples in North Carolina can adopt a child together as a married couple and have the same requirements that are imposed on heterosexual couples who are adopting. It is important to note that the state does not allow “second-parent adoptions”, which is when two unmarried same-sex partners adopt a child. Therefore, the couple must be married at least six months prior to adoption.

Our Emerald Isle adoption attorneys, Greenville adoption attorneys, and Cary adoption attorneys will be able to advise which type of adoption would be the most beneficial for all involved parties. If you have questions or are ready to proceed with the adoption process, give us a call at (252) 296-1200 today.