Child Custody / Visitation
Legal Custody
When the parents have joint legal custody, they must both work together to make these decisions. Joint legal custody is when both parents have equal rights to make decisions on behalf of the child. These jointly made decisions are in place to maintain consistency in the child’s life, regardless of which parent they are with physically.
Physical Custody
Parents can have sole or joint custody depending on the arrangement. In North Carolina, joint physical custody means the child lives equally with both parents, with the living arrangements customized depending on the needs of the family. For example, the child alternates weeks or weekends with the parents.
What Factors Do The Courts Consider In Granting Custody?
Several factors may influence the settlement of the visitation schedule, including the child’s:
- School and activities schedule
- Age
- Availability of each parent
- Distance between each of the parent’s homes
When you are in need of an experienced child custody attorney, you can take comfort in knowing that you have the dedicated team at Capital to Coast NC Law Group located in Cary, Greenville, and Emerald Isle on your side. Contact us today and let us help you ensure the best possible outcome for your child.